Using Midjourney and the story of our world's cosmology, Omensworn now has a short comic detailing the three. The First, Second, and Third. You can download the comic below. The endless void was incomprehensibly dark and vast and time itself had not yet existed before the light of consciousness illuminated the darkness. The Keeper was the First; the one above all. She wove the beginnings of fate and celestial bodies into one. Stars, planets, and the very fabric of reality itself was her doing. With each new star or planet, she gave the void a part of herself. Eventually, her form was spent and the Keeper was gone, but her presence would always be felt in the tapestry of time. The Second was Kor'nu, a brilliant mind who sought to explore the cosmos that his sister had created. He was amazed at all the things he saw, but so terribly alone. His contribution to the void was the divine syllables. These words, the sublime commands, began to further shape and mold the immense space around them. Nu was volatile and expansive. Ohm was subtle and unifying. From these words, matter was created, condensed and re-forged for an unknowable, fluid amount of time. In this age of dreams, time did not yet exist, and its constraints and laws had no bearing on the creation of worlds. New syllables of reality emerged in the complexity; new words gave form to sentences and stories. In this newly lit cosmos, physical laws began to structure and solidify. Events became predictable and somewhat linear, lending time to reality. Kor'nu, the only mind in a vast, lonely, captivating universe, began to explore the galaxies and stars. He lit suns and molded plants as his sister before him. He spoke new commands of even greater complexities and seeded life throughout the galaxy, but Kor'nu was never truly satisfied. As the eons passed, and his nexus grew, he desired a creation of his own; and others of his kind to share it with. Kor'nu called out into the void, his voice carrying into the blackness of the cosmos. It was here he found Shaldrot. Shaldrot, chaotic, blind, and stupid, was the Third. Both male and female. Kor'nu was appalled at the sight of his sibling, a sad and terrible creature, and he attempted to banish the monstrosity back to the void but it proved to be impossible. Shaldrot became consumed in a masturbatory self-impregnation cycle which birthed terrible things into the vastness of the void. Destructive and terrible gods that still linger outside of reality. Kor'nu retreated from his grotesque sibling and attempted to escape the loneliness of the void a final time. When he uttered this bizarre word of creation, Kor'nu lost his material form and was cast among the stars in a destructive display. This sundering created an unfathomable number of individual consciousnesses that spread throughout the universe and were bound to biotic forms; separate, but still connected by origin and essence. Many lifeforms look to the stars and dream of what must be waiting there, never knowing it is themselves. This divine spark brought sentience to life on an unknowable number of worlds. One such world was Ayotha.
The intent of the rules presented here are for those who are interested in playing 5E, but want to bridge the gap into the OSR. This should be an easy to understand version of the OSR and allow players who might be interested in the old school role-playing scene to try it out. It's a bridge to our games and settings like MORTIS, etc. 5th Edition OSR | Rules Changes for OHR GAMING COMMUNITY.
Omensworn Session #1Your group has been traveling for the better part of two weeks, following the King's Road through Nethinden. Every few miles, it's been the same. Grotesque scenes of violence, gallows, wanton murder and destruction. Entire villages burned to the ground with not a single survivor among the residents. Children, women, none are spared. Despot nobles are at war, all vying for lordship of the dead king's throne. The human cost means nothing to them, as long as they are able to consolidate power in the end. You're only a few miles from Stonebridge now, a small village in Nethinden. Rumors of wealth have drawn you here like so many others. Roll20 Chat Log: Omensworn Chat Log
July 2024